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General Rules

Our rules at Camping Sass Dlacia


  • The internal regulations of the campsite aim to protect all customers staying in the camping area.
  • The rules identify the obligations dictated by the code of conduct for campers during their stay in the campsite and regulate the use of campsite facilities and equipment.
  • Entry into the campsite entails acceptance and full compliance with these regulations, which may be supplemented with additional rules deemed necessary by the Management to ensure the smooth operation and safety of the campsite. Campsite staff are required to enforce the regulations and report any violations to the Management. Failure to comply with the regulations by campsite guests is sufficient reason for their expulsion.
  • The terms and conditions, additional conditions on special offers, the spa etiquette and the price list are an integral part of the regulations.


  • Upon arrival and before entering the campsite, customers must register at the reception. Upon registration, campers must provide identity documents for all individuals intending to stay in the campsite and declare the possession of any pets.
  • Departures or arrivals of guests during the stay must be communicated to the reception on the day of departure/arrival.
  • Access to the campsite on the day of arrival is only possible during the opening hours of the reception. Should a guest wish to arrive later, they must request it on the day of arrival. In any case, the guest must appear at the reception the next morning by 10:00 a.m. to formalize the check-in.
  • Should a guest wish to extend their stay beyond the duration communicated at check-in, they must request it and obtain consent at the reception by 10:00 a.m. on the agreed departure day. The Management reserves the right to apply penalties for non-compliance with this rule.
  • Campers are required to communicate upon arrival if some of them will depart earlier than others, in order to separately register and count them.
  • The pitch for campers, caravans, or tents is assigned exclusively by campsite staff.
  • Visitor access to the campsite is permitted only once a day and is subject to the consent of the Management. Visitors, if admitted, must submit their identity document at the reception and may park their vehicle outside the campsite, as the car park on the road to the campsite entrance is reserved for restaurant customers. Visitors are not allowed to use the showers while staying inside the campsite.
  • Customers intending to leave their tent, camper, or caravan in the campsite and be absent for one or more nights must notify these movements to the reception, ensuring that the relevant registration is made. Unreported absences will be charged to the account.
  • Before the final departure from the campsite, customers must notify their departure and settle the account for the services received. The account balance can only be settled during the cash desk opening hours by cash or Visa or Mastercard credit card. We do not accept bank transfers or checks. Cash payments are accepted up to €4,999.99.
  • The customer requesting an invoice is required to communicate all necessary details including the company's email and telephone contact before the day of arrival, in order to allow the office sufficient time to carry out the necessary checks and prepare the bill in time.


  • The pitch in the campsite is always and exclusively assigned by the Management or campsite staff, and all campers must adhere to their instructions. Vehicles must always be parked on the assigned pitch next to the caravan or tent or on the assigned parking slot. Parking elsewhere is strictly prohibited; in case of violation, the car must be immediately moved.
  • To ensure keeping the same pitch throughout the stay, it is the guest's responsibility to leave something on the pitch to indicate its occupancy during any daily movements.
  • Before leaving the campsite, customers must arrange and restore the area where they camped to the condition in which it was delivered to them.
  • Where required, gas cylinders will be delivered to pitches only during opening hours from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Campsite staff will neither connect new cylinders nor connect new ones.
  • The power cable and TV cable must comply with current standards.
  • The Management reserves the right to carry out periodic checks inside the campsite to verify the exact correspondence between the declared number of people and those actually present. People found inside the campsite who have not obtained the required prior authorization from the Management will be reported for trespassing under Article 614 of the Penal Code.
  • Private structures of campers may be constructed and/or laid out only upon express acceptance and subsequent authorization by Management.
  • It is strictly forbidden to leave refrigerators, kitchens, furniture, toys, barbecues, etc., outdoors (visible).


  • The campsite has two bathroom facility blocks: the first is located in the basement of the residence, while the second is about 100m further south (both are visible on the campsite map). While one of the facilities is being cleaned, we invite our guests to use the other one.
  • When using electrical and sanitary facilities as well as the entire campsite's equipment, customers must observe all safety and precautionary measures, respecting in any case the functions and purposes for which the various facilities and equipment are intended.
  • The use of appliances, machinery, and electrical systems (ovens, refrigerators, air conditioners, etc.) that do not meet the standards required for use in campsites is prohibited. The electricity available at the respective column will be charged based on consumption and the maximum absorption upon request is 16 amperes. Any abuse may cause interruptions in the electricity supply, even permanently. The person responsible for such abuse will be called upon to answer for and compensate for any damages.
  • It is strictly forbidden to leave equipment connected to the electrical system when the assigned pitch is unattended; in such a case, the customer will be held responsible both civilly and penally for all material and non-material damages resulting from such negligent behavior.
  • The TV system is centralized. The customer wishing to use this service must bring their decoder and connect the TV cable to the appropriate socket.
  • Washing dishes and laundry is permitted only in the spaces reserved for this purpose. Washing machines and dryers operate with coins (euros).
  • It is strictly prohibited to wash cars, change the oil of vehicles, etc., within the campsite.
  • Sinks, showers, urinals, and toilets must be used in accordance with their functions, considering that they are sanitary facilities intended for the common use of all campers.
  • Minors are admitted to the campsite only if accompanied by parents. Children must always be accompanied. The use of various equipment and facilities by minors is always and in any case at their sole risk and under the responsibility of parents and/or accompanying adults, and any damages will be charged to them. Children under the age of 14 are not allowed to access the Natura Wellness Center.


  • Each camper is responsible for safeguarding their own property. Therefore, the Management assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged items belonging to the camper. Management also disclaims any responsibility for any accidents or incidents occurring within the campsite due to negligence, incompetence, or fault of the camper.
  • Anyone finding lost items within the campsite is required to hand them over to the Management.


  • For the disposal of solid waste, campers are required to use the appropriate containers. It is forbidden to abandon or throw solid waste in areas or places other than the containers provided for this purpose.
  • Within the campsite, separate waste collection (i.e., separation of paper, cardboard, glass, cans, etc.) using the specific containers is mandatory.
  • Campers are required to maintain order and cleanliness in the area where they stay.


  • The water unloading and loading service (camper service) is located adjacent to the campground exit. To use this service, it is necessary to request the appropriate key at the reception and it is mandatory to add the specific additive to the water.
  • At the secondary service block, there is the possibility to proceed with the disposal of the removable chemical toilet. To use this service, it is mandatory to add the specific additive to the removable chemical toilet.
  • It is strictly forbidden to discharge water in areas or spaces other than those specifically equipped for this purpose.


  • Campers are obliged to respect order and public quiet in the campground.
  • Respect for quietness in the campground is mandatory during the hours established by the the Management and indicated by a specific sign, namely from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM and from 10:00 PM to 7:30 AM. During this time, it is expressly forbidden to circulate within the campground with motor vehicles; cause noises that may disturb the rest of the campers; set up or take down tents; hold noisy meetings.
  • Customers arriving after 10:00 PM have to park in the campground parking in front of the reception and are required to access the campground the next morning.


  • The campground is equipped with fire extinguishers that all campers are obliged to use in case of fires and/or other emergencies.
  • It is prohibited to light outdoor fires except for barbecues that comply with legal requirements and are suitable for campgrounds. If there is no risk of fire, the use of charcoal grills is allowed provided that the smoke does not disturb neighbors and the surrounding grass and land are not damaged.
  • It is forbidden to introduce easily flammable fuels, explosive materials, etc. into the campground.
  • In case of a fire in the campground or its immediate vicinity, it is the camper's duty to assist and contribute to firefighting efforts within their means.
  • The stationary camper cannot have more than two gas cylinders.


  • Dogs in the campground and its surroundings must be kept on a leash and under the owner's control. For their physiological needs, dogs must be accompanied outside the campground; alternatively, specific tools (scoop and bag) can be used. Pet owners must present the health certificate upon request. Pet owners are responsible for any damage caused to the campsite and/or to third parties by their animals. Pets are not allowed to access the minimarket, the Natura Wellness Center and the bathroom facilities.
  • Any infectious disease must be reported to the Management immediately.
  • Campers are requested to report to the reception staff any defects and malfunctions of installations and various equipment, as well as any violation of behavioral rules.
  • Important notices will be displayed at the reception and must be respected by all guests.


  • Campers are obliged to scrupulously observe all provisions of the campground regulations.
  • If a violation of the campground regulations is proven, the Management may order the immediate expulsion of the customer responsible for such violation.

SPA Etiquette

Silence and Quietness: The main rule for guests in the sauna is keeping silence. This space is dedicated to relaxation and inner peace. Concentrating on one's breathing and heartbeat is essential to derive maximum benefit from the experience.

Shower before entering: Before entering the sauna, you should take a lukewarm shower with soap to remove perfumes and odors from your body, but especially creams and oils. This not only ensures proper hygiene but also prepares the skin by opening the pores to welcome the heat, contributing to the relaxation of the body.

No swimwear in the sauna: Please enter the sauna without a swimming costume. Clothes, slippers and glasses should be left outside the sauna for health and hygiene reasons. These items can hinder sweating and prevent heat radiation.

Towel in the Sauna: Wearing a cotton towel as a sarong is mandatory for circulation in the relaxation area and other areas of the wellness centre. In saunas, it is mandatory to cover the benches with a towel for hygiene reasons.

Occupation of communal areas: it is not permitted to occupy loungers or other communal areas with towels and/or personal belongings.

Removing metal objects: Before entering the sauna, it is important to remove jewelry, watches and other metal objects in order to avoid micro-burns due to heat.

Distance between People: Maintaining a distance of at least 30 cm between one person and another is essential. On busy days, avoid lying down and occupy the entire bench alone to allow everyone to enjoy the experience.

Dwell times: The body's biological clock regulates how long you stay in the sauna. It is recommended to stay in the sauna for no longer than 15 minutes and to take at least 15 minutes rest between sessions.

Post-sauna cooling: After the sauna, it is important to take a cold shower. Start with the parts of the body furthest from the heart (lower limbs, upper limbs, right side, left side and finally the head). This helps to stimulate the blood circulation, rebalance the body and restore the normal heart rhythm.

Hydration: To rehydrate the body after the loss of liquids and salts, it is recommended to drink herbal teas and water at room temperature.

Food and beverages: it is strictly forbidden to introduce and consume foods and beverages other than the ones provided by the Natura Wellness Center.

Steam jets: It is strictly forbidden to perform steam jets on your own.

These rules are intended to ensure a safe and relaxing sauna experience. We invite you to respect them inorder for you and others to fully appreciate the benefits of our wellness centre.

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